Saturday, May 1, 2010

Long Time, No Write

First off, I'm watching Taken for the first time, and I have some things to say about that. This is going to get interesting.

First of all, the ruthlessness displayed by Neeson's character: I'm all for it. Though many will argue that murder is never justified, and they may be right (in the world's laws), I don't think he was wrong in the slightest.

I don't have time to explain. I guess this really isn't all that interesting. And I can't remember what else I wanted to write about. This is it for now.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Stuff kind of happens but it Doesn't! Also, work stuff.

So something new happened. But it hasn't happened all the way yet. If it does, though, it's going to be very good. The other thing is unfortunately unlikely, due to circumstances outside my control at the moment. But this new thing, this could be very good... If it happens. I hope it does.

This new thing has also reawakened my affinity with the night. Way back when, I used to go outside at night just to be out there. Lately, I've still been spending a lot of time in the night and darkness, but not outdoors. This new thing might allow me to get out there in a whole new, much more fun way. I'm still very much a nocturnal guy. In fact, I get by on minimal sleep each night because I stay up so late. Minimal means around 4 hours, usually.

Yet I still do well in whatever it is I'm doing that day. In high school, I graduated as a "Texas Scholar." It really doesn't mean anything to me, but still - it proves that I don't need much sleep to function. At work today a manager I'd never met before walked up, introduced himself, and gave me a rather large task which I'd never done before. He left the details of how to do it open. I don't like not knowing how to do what I'm asked to do. He took off before I could ask any questions.

So I fully expected to have him come by later to inspect my work and chew me out for not doing it correctly or up to his standards. As he walked off, I thought this to myself, and thought about how much I disliked that. However, I do tend to do (new) things thoroughly, and due to my tendency to take what people say literally, I often spend far too much time doing things that aren't necessary or are simply a waste of time.

So, I did everything that he specifically asked for, and then actually commanded a supervisor to do something for me. I attribute it mostly to the nature of our company: we only hire the best, and most helpful people. Anyway, what happened was this: as part of my huge task, that manager guy told me to get someone who could drive a forklift to pick up and move something out of the way. Now, I was in the "more doing" mode when I finally got around to finding someone to do it. I walked right up to the supervisor guy and said "I need you to come pick up these shingles and move them. Bring them inside, I guess." And he went BAM and did it. Well, he didn't bring them inside, but that's probably because he knew better than to do that (since I definitely don't) and put it somewhere else outside. I only explained to him why I told him to do it after he did it. And he didn't seem to care about the reason why.

The best part of the story was the end. After I was finished, I went and found Manager Guy and told him I was finished. He said he'd check it out in a minute. Several hours later, just before it was time for me to clock out and go, he called for me on the radio. He said, "Just wanted to let you know I went and checked out [my task] and it looks absolutely [very nice adjective that I can't recall at the moment]. [Very nice thank-you that I also can't remember]." All I said was "Thank you."

These really are great people working for this company, and it's a great company to work for. They take care of their people, inside (employees) and out (customers). They recognize that we Associates bring in all the money and keep the business afloat; therefore, they give us what we deserve and more. They also only hire people who have what it takes. I didn't think I did, but I guess I do. This story isn't the first time I surprised the bosses with my work. But that's another story.

Unfortunately, though working together is just fine, I am a) easily the youngest Associate at the store, and b) socially incompatible with most everyone there. That's just the way it is. Like I said though, working together is easy. I've never felt uncomfortable asking questions or for help like I have elsewhere. I tend to avoid people when not working, though. I eat lunch in my car, not in the break room. I sit silently in the break room when I'm on break, only speaking if and when spoken to. Except one guy, that I knew in my junior year of high school. I was surprised when I found him here, but he's there. So I talk to him sometimes.

And wow, this is a long post. I definitely can WRITE, when I feel like it. Who knows, maybe eventually I'll find some people who like to actually read what I write, and that will motivate me into writing even more.


First of all, I just brutally murdered this huge flying thing that decided to hit me in the face and then sit on my laptop. My weapon of choice? A paper towel. I can't stand insects/arachnids, at least when they get very close/make contact. If you see me in person, you will no doubt eventually see me suddenly turn my head this way and that, or make very large and very sudden movements. These are both caused by flying insects. I can't help it.

In other news, I'm such a social misfit. Is it bad that I only just now, at 18 years old, don't feel uncomfortable even thinking about ordering a pizza by phone? Yeah, I think it is.

I may add to this later. For now, bah.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Yes, it's finally happened. I've finally found out how to fix the problem I've been having. All I have to do is write EVERYTHING on this site, and let people read it. Then, all my problems will be solved, not just one.

Guys, no one has ever read those introductions to my novels. Enjoy them, and leave comments. Good, bad, ugly, I don't care. Tell me what you think. Of everything: My writing style(s), my characters, my worlds, my plots, everything. Do it. Do it NOW!!!

I've been listening to Owl City's album, Ocean Eyes, on repeat while setting up all these blogs.

And The Sky Went Red

Things are picking up. Except for the fact that it is very late and I have work in less than seven hours.

That thing I learned about the other day? It's been cleared up, and just in time for me to try what I was waiting to try for some time. So then I tried it, and received a positive response.

Also, during this, my 3-day weekend in the middle of the week, I got Resident Evil 4: Wii edition. It has been an absolute blast, and I plan on starting a third blog for reviewing games that I've finished, and RE4 might be the first one on that. I got it on sale at Gamestop for $12.99 for their Game Days Sale. They had some other good ones on sale, too, all new games, not pre-owned. I hope to grab RE5 at Blockbuster for $12 also, if they still have it there next week. According to Game Informer, all the extra content on RE5: Gold edition costs about $14 if downloaded separately. I'd rather pay $26 or even $44 total for it than a full $50 just to get the codes to download the content for free. Plus, I can pick and choose what I want, I don't have to get it all.

That's it, it's lateness and I'm tired.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Through the Black

Life is a path; Death, a destination.

I'm so tired of this world and its sickness. I just wish it would end, but at the same time I don't. There's too much left to be done.

I've never intentionally screamed out loud. It seems like something I'd very much like to do now.

I feel like destroying something, anything. Instead, if I can, I'm going to build a tomb in Minecraft. Hopefully within a fort I built a while ago on a public server. If not, just anywhere, but hopefully online so others can see it. Just going to dig a hole.

EDIT: I ran all over that server (which has been wiped since I built my fort), and couldn't find a good spot to dig a tomb. There was some pretty neat stuff already there, like a huge dragon in the sky.

Friday, April 2, 2010

First blog -- The first of many?

I have never done this before.

I've never liked writing things down where anyone else can find and read them.

But I need to write, and someone needs to read it. So here is this.

This world is a thorn, and every day it is splintering and festering and becoming even more vile and disgusting and painful. I'm sick of it. I wish it to finally be dug out of my skin and tossed away. I know it is not yet that time.

Until then, I must remain on the path I am following. To be a shining light in the dark, instead of just another lump of flesh passing through this life without any meaning.

But... "It's getting so hard; I never saw the backlash when the tide began to rise."

Today I learned something. It was not something I wanted to suddenly learn. Some would argue that it is nothing, that it is not a bad thing, or even laugh at me for being uncomfortable about it.

It really has me in a rut, though. It couldn't have come at a worse time. I don't know how I am to proceed, but I intend to find out tonight.

You may notice a lack of detail in this blog. That is intentional. There are some things I will go into great detail with, and some I will not. Others still, that will take time before I can open them up.

Many of these things will mark me as crazy, insane, or fanatic in some minds. Perhaps stupid, naive, or even ignorant. I don't care. In fact, if anyone has something to say about me, my writing, or my mind, I'd prefer they tell me upfront instead of keeping it a secret. In the end, there are no secrets.

In the end, I will have no secrets.

Hell Hath No Fury At All.